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Company name:
Qing Dao You Hong Livestock Machinery CO.,LTD
Contacts:MR zhao
Address:Laixi city of Qingdao Jiangshan Industrial Park Road prosperity
Irish dairy cattle trample to daily generation 2 kw
Click:1409   Time:2016/1/28 10:52:05

On a farm in Northern Ireland, the cows no longer on the green grass grazing, but in a fenced in treadmill to create green energy. To reduce dependence on fossil fuels, William Taylor (WilliamTaylor) invented the livestock farmers power mill (LivestockPowerMill), a kind of when the cows walk can generate electricity the treadmill. Allegedly this is good for cows healthy, can promote the campaign to reduce belch fart methane emissions.

Cows were imprisoned in an enclosure, standing in a no electricity, tilting transmission belt. In order to avoid the cow cant cause transmission belt slide down, cows have to walk, so you can start the transmission belt. When conveyor belt start, a gear transmission rotates, eventually provide a generator with energy. A feed box hung in front of the whole equipment, which makes the cows can't idle down, and makes the cows have been very happy. A cow can produce a day about 2 kw of power, that's enough for four milking machine to provide the required power. Scientific research shows that regular exercise cows to produce more milk, so Taylor plan study this fall that the health benefits of this system. 

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